Uncontested No Fault Divorce Legal Services

We recognize that not every marriage works out, and an amicable resolution is often desired. Uncontested legal matters can be a breath of fresh air, enabling you to bypass the complexities and time-consuming procedures typically associated with legal proceedings. When all parties involved are in agreement and willing to cooperate, uncontested divorce matters offer a swift and amicable path toward resolution.

At Gower Law Offices, we take pride in our years of experience and expertise in handling uncontested, no-fault, divorce services. We understand the necessary guidance involved in uncontested cases. We are well-versed in the applicable laws, regulations, and documentation required for a smooth and successful resolution.

Is an uncontested divorce cheap?

Yes. One of the key advantages of opting for our uncontested legal services is the significant cost savings. Uncontested, or no-fault divorce, is often a cheaper alternative to traditional divorce cases because the costs associated with litigation are avoided.

Our office can assist you in preparing all the necessary paperwork based on your agreements at a reduced cost. Once the statutory waiting period is over, we will provide the documents to your assigned judge for signature and file the decree of divorce to finalize your divorce.

How long will my divorce take to be finalized?

By opting for an uncontested resolution to your divorce, you can avoid prolonged court arguments, saving both time and emotional strain. With uncontested matters, the divorce process can normally be resolved more quickly, potentially finalizing the divorce in ninety (90) days if no children are involved, or as little as ten (10) days if there are no children.

Our streamlined processes and reduced complexities enable us to offer competitive pricing while maintaining the utmost quality and professionalism. Our office will draft all necessary paperwork and walk you through the court process.

Do I qualify for an uncontested divorce?

If you and your spouse are in agreement on all aspects of your divorce, you may qualify for an uncontested or no-fault divorce. This includes complete agreement in the following areas:

1. Dividing the marital property and marital debts

2. Agreeing to sole or joint custody and creating a comprehensive custody plan that settles both physical and legal custody.

3. Setting a visitation schedule for the children of the marriage for both parents.

4. Determining the amount of child support that will be paid in accordance with Oklahoma's laws.

5. Payment of court costs and attorney fees.

Experience and Expertise with uncontested no fault divorce

We understand the importance of efficiently and effectively resolving all issues surrounding finalizing a no-fault uncontested divorce, and we will work directly with you to achieve the optimal outcome. Having worked on these and other related issues for almost 17 years, we at Gower Law Offices have extensive experience in navigating you through your divorce.

We handle cases in most counties, including Oklahoma County, Cleveland County, and Canadian County. To discuss your specific case with attorney Dustin Gower, please call us at 405-562-5652 or email our firm at gowerlegal@gmail.com for a free consultation. Payment plans are available.